Free CorbinFisher video

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Video provided by: CorbinFisher
Video description: Brayden is so excited to finally be paired with Marc! How could you really blame him, Marc provides some of the best sex at CF, which is what put him as a top favorite and Dean’s Lister. His body is always on point and his cock seems to be eternally hard. Marc may be versatile sexually, but he really shines when he’s paired with a ready-to-please bottom- which is just what Brayden is! With high expectations coming into this scene, the well-built guys don’t disappoint. Brayden makes sure he works over Marc’s head and shaft really well to get him super hard before taking him inside him. Marc fingers Brayden as they 69 and then Brayden needs Marc inside him! Independence day might have been yesterday, but the fireworks are definitely going off today!


Duration: 02:08 min
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