Free CollegeDudes video

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Video provided by: CollegeDudes
Video description: Landon Conway is an 18 year old freshman with the typical sex drive of someone just exploring the world on his own. Landon is pretty excited about jerking off, after having experimenting a little on webcam. Landon strips down to reveal a nice body - he was a wrestler in high school. Landon sits down and comfortably works it up before getting up on his knees to show off a little more. He gets really into stroking his dick, you can tell. Laying back down on the bed Landon gets a lot more furious in his wanking, and soon he is about to cum. His thick legs tense up and his feet quiver a little. Landon holds his breath before he has a great orgasm. Good to see a freshman having so much fun by himself!


Duration: 05:28 min
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