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Video provided by: Staxus
Video description: Most people celebrate a birthday by going out for a drink or having a special meal, but that’s not what Izan Loren has in mind for his buddy, Angel Lopez, when the latter marks his special day. Instead, Loren leads the fellow off to his very special play-area, where he promptly ties Lopez to a column – his arms cuffed to a yoke, his nipples clamped, his balls weighed down by an impressive weight and his cock shielded by a chastity device. In other words, the youngster is quite simply left helpless – a mere play-thing for Loren’s now-not-so-secret fetishes. What’s more, the dominant pal quickly ups the ante by giving the lad a taste of the lash and the paddle; smacking his young, delicate skin with obvious relish, and for a few moments making Lopez wish he hadn’t been quite so eager to take up his mate’s offer of fun. It’s way too late to change his mind by this point, however; and, what’s more, it’s not long before Loren is turning his kinky attention to Lopez’s hungry little arse-hole, which he proceeds to probe with his fingers in anticipation of a hot session of raw, hardcore fucking. Unsurprisingly, it’s no time before Loren is energetically banging his mate against the column; before finally releasing the young lad from his restraints, bundling him down on the stairs and pummelling away at his pucker for all that the fellow’s worth! No fucking wonder that Lopez is quite literally on the brink in no time at all, boldly unleashing a torrent of jizz all over himself; whilst Loren signs off with a lively flood of goo moments later. As birthday surprises go, definitely one of the best!


Duration: 05:04 min
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