Free ClubAmateurUSA video

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Video provided by: ClubAmateurUSA
Video description: Casey Monroe comes to us from Texas, in town for Spring Break. He's 23 years old and thinks he may be Bisexual! Casey heard about ClubAmateurUSA and our in-house masseuse Chad Brock and decided to take the first time plunge while in town. After some small talk, Chad rubs Casey's arms, back and legs and moves on with rubbing and stretching his hole, which Casey states feels good. On all 4's now, Chad holds Casey's balls in one hand, while stroking his cock. Chad takes his shirt off, exposing his own fantastic body! Casey sits up and leans back against Chad, while he massages his front side. Casey is enjoying the attention his body is getting. As Chad leans over while rubbing his chest to his legs, he grabs some oral action on Casey, who at first seems surprised, but quickly relaxes more. Chad attends to Casey's cock which is looking like it's about to explode. His pulling the skin down and back and giving a circular palm massage to the tip of his cock, has Casey's eyes rolling back. Casey blows his load and this whole experience has blown his mind. Casey informs Chad, that he'll be back! This was an amazing first time experience for Casey and we have no doubt that he will return!


Duration: 03:06 min
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